(Government of India)
Combined Graduate Level Examination, 2019
(Website of the Commission: https://ssc.nic.in)
Staff Selection Commission will hold the Combined
Graduate Level Examination, 2019 for filling up of various Group “B” and Group “C”
posts in different Ministries/ Departments/ Organizations.
Date for submission of online applications:
22-10-2019 to 25-11-2019
Last date for receipt of application: 25-11-2019 (17:00)
Last date for making online fee payment: 27-11-2019 (17:00)
Last date for generation of offline Challan: 27-11-2019 (17:00)
Last date for payment through Challan (during working hours of Bank): 29-11-2019
Dates of Tier-I Examination (CBE): 02-03-2020 to 11-03-2020
Dates of Tier-II (CBE) and Tier-III (Des.) Examinations: 22-06-2020 to 25-06-2020
Essential Educational Qualifications (as on 01-01-2020):
Assistant Audit Officer/ Assistant Accounts Officer:
Essential Qualifications: Bachelor‟s Degree from a recognized University
or Institute.
Desirable Qualifications: Chartered Accountant or Cost & Management
Accountant or Company Secretary or Masters in Commerce or Masters in
Business Studies or Masters in Business Administration (Finance) or
Masters in Business Economics.
During the period of probation direct recruits shall have to qualify the
“Subordinate Audit/ Accounts Service Examination” in respective
branches for confirmation and regular appointment as Assistant Audit
Assistant Accounts Officer.
Junior Statistical Officer:
Bachelor‟s Degree in any subject from a recognized University or Institute
with at least 60% Marks in Mathematics at 12th standard level;
Bachelor‟s Degree in any subject with Statistics as one of the subjects at
degree level.
Statistical Investigator Grade-II:
Bachelor‟s Degree in any subject with Statistics as one of the subjects
from a recognized University or Institute. The candidates must have
studied Statistics as a subject in all the three years of the graduation
All other Posts:
Bachelor‟s Degree from a recognized University or equivalent.
The candidates appearing in the final year of their graduation can also apply,
however they must possess Essential qualification on or before 01-01-2020.
As per Ministry of Human Resource Development Notification dated 10.06.2015
published in the Gazette of India all the degrees/ diplomas/ certificates awarded
through Open and Distance Learning mode of education by the Universities
established by an Act of Parliament or State Legislature, Institutions Deemed to be
Universities under Section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956 and
Institutions of National Importance declared under an Act of Parliament stand
automatically recognized for the purpose of employment to posts and services under
the Central Government provided they have been approved by the Distance
Education Bureau, University Grants Commission
for further information, click on these links...
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